Prisca Valentino

(International) Entrepreneurship🚀Effectuation Method🍋Co-creative Entrepreneurship, & Design Science📐


The Effectual Design Method for Internationalizing Architectural and Engineering Services: Insights from Swiss Design Entrepreneurs

Valentino P., Schreier C., & Jaroenwisan K.

ABAC Journal, vol. 43(4), 2023, pp. 354-376

The Effectuation Method in the Swiss and Thai SME International Opportunity Process: A Conceptual Framework

P. Valentino, K. Jaroenwisan, C. & Schreier

ABAC Journal, vol. 42(3), 2022 , pp. 73-86

Thai Architecture and Landscape Design Services: Causal and Effectual Descisions in The International Opportunity Process

P. Valentino, C. Schreier, & K. Jaroenwisan

SUIC 6th International Conference: New Challenges for Art, Design and Business Management, Conference Paper, Silpakorn University International College (SUIC), Bangkok, 2021 Dec, pp. 199-209


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